No one wants to think that their home could in danger of an electrical fire. However, when you have outdated wiring, that is absolutely the case. If you are wondering whether or not the wiring in your home is outdated, there are several signs that are usually present if this is the case. Burley Electrical Services is here to talk about some of the signs you should be watching for that can clue you in to some electrical dangers throughout your house.
How Do I Know if I have Old, Outdated Wiring?
There are several things that you can watch for that can help you know if there is outdated or malfunctioning wiring in your home. Following are the signs:
– Frequent Circuit Breaker Trips: There are going to be times that you experience a tripped breaker. It is part of keeping your home safe from overloaded circuits. However, it isn’t something that you should experience all of the time. If you are having this happen frequently, it could mean that your electrical demands are greater than your panel can handle, and an upgrade needs to be made.
– Dimming Lights: It can be more than spooky when you see the lights dimming in your home. It can indicate that there is some antiquated wiring in your home that needs to be replaced. Keep an eye on any lights that frequently dim or flicker.
– Fraying Wires: You never want to see any wiring in your home frayed. This is an enormous sign that your wiring needs to be replaced. Frayed wires pose a big risk of electrical fire and professionals need to be called to come take a look immediately.
– Warm or Discolored Outlets: You shouldn’t ever see any discoloring on your outlets. The white covers may start to yellow with age, but they shouldn’t ever have any burn marks on them. Also, you shouldn’t feel any warmth when you touch them after they have been used. This is a sign that something is amiss.
– Noises: Sometimes, when the electrical wiring is bad in an outlet or a fixture, you can hear a faint buzzing or sizzling sound when they are in use. If this is the case, call on a professional electrician to come and take a look right away as it could be a big danger.
– Smoky Smell: If you smell like something is burning when using and outlet or a fixture, you should turn it off or stop using it right away and call a professional. This is an emergency as a fire is more than likely looming.
– Aluminum Wiring: If your home was built in the 60s-70s and the wiring has never been worked on, there is a good chance that you have aluminum wiring in your home which is hazardous and needs to be replaced.
Electrical Wiring Inspections & More in Pompano Beach, Imperial Point, Plantation, Deerfield Beach, Boca Raton, Davie, Lighthouse Point, Parkland & Fort Lauderdale, Florida
If you have any signs that there is something wrong with your wiring in your home, you can call on Burley Electrical Services to get to the bottom of the problem and fix it. Call us today!