When you experience a problem with your electrical system, it might be your first instinct to get an electrician on the phone to come out and take a look. What many homeowners don’t realize is that there are several things they can try that might easily solve the problem that they are having. You can troubleshoot your electrical system just like any of the other systems in your home. Burley Electrical Services is here to share some troubleshooting tips to help you get your electrical woes fixed on your own.
Check the Plug
As silly as this may sound, there are sometimes where the plug on your device or appliance has become loose enough that it isn’t getting the power it needs to operate. Checking to make sure that the plug is completely pushed into the outlet is a good place to start. It might just solve all of your problems.
Inspect the Electrical Outlet
The next thing that you might want to inspect in the outlet. The outlet might not be working because it is powered by a switch. There are several outlets that are often hooked up with a switch in the room. If you are getting no power to the outlet, that might be your problem.
Reset GFCI Outlets
If you’re struggling with outlets that are located in bathrooms, kitchens or laundry rooms, there is a good chance they are controlled by a GFCI. These types of outlets are put in place for safety precautions around large amounts of water. If the outlets aren’t working, the solution might be as simple as resetting the GFCI outlet. There should be test and reset buttons located on the outlet. Pushing the reset button might do the trick.
Test the Quality of the Device
Another cause for a lot of problems is the device or the appliance itself. They may be getting or are aren’t made with good quality materials. If the device or appliance is on its last leg or is in need of repair, it might be the problem and not your electrical system. Make sure you have done some inspecting to see if the device or appliance is to blame.
Look at Your Breaker Panel
If you are still having problems at this point, the next place you should head to is the breaker panel. These breakers are in place to protect your appliances and devices from dangerous power surges. They can also be helpful in keeping your circuits from getting overloaded as well. If you don’t have power to a portion of your home, make sure you look to see if there are any breakers that need to be flipped back on.
Electrical Wiring Inspections & More in Pompano Beach, Imperial Point, Plantation, Deerfield Beach, Boca Raton, Davie, Lighthouse Point, Parkland & Fort Lauderdale, Florida
If you are still having problems at this point, it is time to call on the electricians at Burley Electrical Services to help you sort everything out. We will make sure your system is working and there aren’t any repairs that need to be made. Call us today!