Whenever you are owning and operating your own business, there are several things that you’re constantly trying to manage. One of them is your building and keeping it properly maintained. You need to know that you aren’t wasting money in areas that could be more cost effective if managed more efficiently. One of those areas is the energy consumption for your building. Burley Electrical Services would like to talk about some of the ways that you could improve your energy efficiency in your building.
Conduct a Commercial Energy Audit
It is difficult to make changes to your energy consumption unless you know a bit more about it. You need to know the areas that could use some improvements. This is where an energy audit would come into play. You can get a good picture of where you’re using the most energy and get a better understanding of some of the changes that need to be made.
Upgrade to LED Lights
One of the best things you can do for your building’s energy efficiency is to have the lighting swapped out for LED lighting. This can save you big money each month on energy. You may have to check and make sure that all the fixtures in your building can be switched for LED lighting. This lighting is even more efficient than fluorescent lighting and will give you a more natural light as well. Sometimes, replacing your current lighting with LED lighting can be a big enough project that it needs to be done in stages. You should always take into consideration your business operations as well, so they are interrupted as little as possible.
Smart Lighting Control Systems
Another area that can help you improve your building’s energy efficiency is the with lighting controls. You don’t always have to have every part of your building lit all the time. It can be helpful to put some control in place to help you save money on energy. Some businesses have reported savings as high as 40% once they have control in place to turn off the lights when they aren’t in use. It may seem like a large investment in the beginning, but it is one that can quickly pay for itself over time. Some of the different options for lighting control include dimmers, motion sensor lighting, and even timers that will turn the lights off for you once the allotted time has run out to ensure you aren’t wasting energy when the room isn’t in use.
Commercial Electrical Services & More in Pompano Beach, Imperial Point, Plantation, Deerfield Beach, Boca Raton, Davie, Lighthouse Point, Parkland & Fort Lauderdale, Florida
If you’re interested in making your commercial building more energy efficient, you can turn to the pros at Burley Electrical Services to help you get there. We will be able to perform an energy audit on your building and help you determine which changes would be most beneficial to your business. We know that no business is the same. Call us today!