If you are expecting a child or already have them, most people have spent some time making their home safe when the baby comes home. They secure cabinets with harmful chemicals, put stoppers on door jams and safety knobs on the doors as well. You have probably gone to the store and added some outlet covers that are usually plastic and just cover the opening. This is a start to being safe around electricity but that is all that it is, a start. There are many more areas of electricity that you need to worry about also. One way to keep yourself and your children safe is to teach them all about electricity and how to stay safe around it as well.
Burley Electrical Services Outlines Some Tips for Teaching Your Kids About Electrical Safety
Start To Teach About the Dangers of Electricity Early: As a child grows most parents start to teach them all kinds of things. Who people are, what each item they see is and much more. As soon as a child can start to recognize items and people they can learn about almost anything. This goes for electrical areas and what is dangerous and not okay to touch or grab. Kids are able to learn very fast and starting to show them what to not touch should be at the beginning of the learning process.
Repeat Electrical Safety Instruction: Kids learn best when they hear something several times and often. You want to be sure that you are using phrases that are easy to understand for a child and use them as often as you can to make sure they understand. When they hear something several times they tend to catch on much sooner.
Show Them Electrical Safety Measures: You never want to demonstrate how to use electricity unsafely but you can show them how to be safe. You can also use visual aids to teach them what they should and should not do so that they can see what you mean. Saying don’t touch the outlet only works if your child even knows what an outlet is. It is better to teach them what an outlet is first and them what they should do to stay safe.
Make Learning About Electricity Fun with Games: Kids already spend a lot of time in a learning environment so when you want to really get through to them you want to make sure that the information is fun. This will make them interested in what they are being taught. You can use games and pictures to make sure that they get the information and want to remember it.
Teach Age Appropriate Electrical Tips: You also want to add information as they get older. They can handle more the older they get so make sure that you add details along the way. Giving children more information is an important part of the learning process.
Electrical Inspections & Other Electrical Work in Pompano Beach, Boca Raton, Davie, Fort Lauderdale & South Florida
As you are getting your home ready for children in your home you want to make sure that you have a plan on what to teach. You also want to make sure that you call a professional electrician to come out and do an electrical inspection to correct any areas of concern. Burley Electrical Services offers electrical inspections and other related services. Contact us for all your electrical needs.