With the economy not being completely restored, most folks are living pay check to pay check, with little money left over for much else. When cutting monthly costs, homeowners are looking to perform many DIY projects around the house, including electrical work. Being unfamiliar and untrained with electricity and attempting to perform the tasks involved is dangerous on so many levels; causing serious harm or inflicting damage are very possible outcomes. With too many mistakes being made, we at Burley Electrical Services would like to discuss the common problems people often make and why electrical work is always best done by a trained professional. Common mistakes made in DIY applications include the following below.
Dangers of DIY Electrical Work
1) Faulty connections in electrical box. Providing protection from external elements; the primary function of the electrical box houses many of the fundamental components. Electrical boxes should not be filled beyond their capacity doing so will cause overheating or short-circuiting which leads to costly damages. Not only is it bad for your electrical system, it is extremely dangerous to attempt to make electrical connections outside of the electrical box.
2) Fuse unsecure. Whenever fuses are replaced, all connections should be tight and correctly placed. Appliances and lights may flicker or short out if the connections are too loose as well as potentially overheat the circuits, which would be more detrimental. Additionally, a safety hazard an alarming number forget, is that the circuit breaker needs to be shut off before any other contact is made.
3) Wrong wattage of light bulbs for specific fixture. The bulb is highly at risk at overheating if a light bulb has a greater wattage than what is intended for the socket. An increasingly high chance of the bulb breaking or ignited can occur, causing damage and injury.
4) Overloaded outlets. Overloading an outlet or powerboard is not only a frequent issue, but it is easily done. Though it may seem logical for powerboards to handle appliances being plugged in to all outlets available, it is dependent on the number of amps a circuit is designed to manage. Bigger appliances especially, like refrigerators, dishwashers and air conditioners, the circuit overloads.
5) Outlets and switches incorrectly fitted. Outlets and switches that are loosely installed present a major hazard, especially when appliances are plugged in. Wires loose in their terminals produce arcing and overheating.
6) Incorrect size of wires and cables. Electric wires and cables are available in different sizes, which is referenced as gauges and the gauge of the wire determines how and where it should be used. Incorrect gauged wire for the specific electric current at the time of installation results in overheating or a shorting of the fuse or circuit breaker.
Electrical Services in Pompano Beach, Oakland Park, Plantation, Boca Raton, Davie, Fort Lauderdale & South Florida
To ensure the safety and effectiveness of the electrical work around your home or it is important to take advantage of the services and expertise of the professional electricians of Burley Electrical Services as opposed to DIY projects for your safety and to avoid damage in your home. Contact us to schedule your consultation today!