You can save a lot of money by doing things around your home yourself, but electrical work should always be done by professionals. Electricity is powerful and provides us with all the comforts we’ve gotten used to. A little mistake with wiring can be serious, not to mention electrical codes that change from time to time. “Electrical fires claim the lives of 280 Americans and injure 1,000 every year”, according to the US Fire Administration. Many times, these fires are caused by failures in the electrical system, but many times, they’re caused by wiring that has been installed incorrectly, extension cords and over loaded circuits.
Electrical Tips for How to Keep Yourself Safe at Home or Work
1. Your home needs to be equipped with GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) outlets in any areas that have water. These outlets will disconnect power automatically if an electrical appliance contacts water or starts to “leak” electricity. These are designed to protect against fatal electrical shocks
2. Check electrical cords and throw them away if they are frayed or don’t fit tightly into the outlet and don’t run them under carpet, behind baseboards or under furniture to prevent overheating.
3. Check the cords of your electrical appliances on a regular basis to look for breaks. If an appliance has a bad cord, shorts, overheats or sparks, it’s time to replace it. Never remove the third prong of a cord. It’s there to ground the appliance to prevent electrical shocks.
4. Do not overload extension cords or wall sockets. The best thing to do is have more outlets installed.
5. Wiring will wear out over time and cause fires to start in the wall. These fires can go unnoticed for some time. If you notice outlets and switches that are hot to the touch, you should have an electrician come in to have your system looked at.
6. Do not handle electrical appliances or switches with wet hands. Appliances and extension cords in the bathroom need to stay away from any water.
7. Don’t use light bulbs that have a higher wattage than recommended and keep lamps away from curtains, rugs and any furniture that is flammable.
8. Never have exposed wiring in your home. All wiring needs to be covered with outlet covers and any covers that are broken or cracked need to be replaced. This prevents curious hands from touching them.
9. Have the right fire extinguishers in your home and make sure anyone that lives in the home knows how to use them. Never try and put an electrical fire out with water.
10. If your home seems to be having issues with people getting shocked, fuses that are blowing, switches that get hot or tripped circuit breakers, there’s a problem. Don’t wait to have it looked at and call an electrician right away.
Electrical Services in Pompano Beach, Boca Raton, Davie, Fort Lauderdale & South Florida
The electrical industry is always designing materials that are newer and improved to increase the safety of your home. Good safety habits are great at preventing electrical hazards. If you follow some easy guidelines you’ll be doing a lot to keep your family and home safe. Contact Burley Electrical Services with any concerns you may be having with the electricity in your home.