When you own a hotel, you want your hotel to be as hospitable as possible to all those that come to stay. You want this to feel like their home away from home. One of the ways that you can give your guests that feeling of security is with proper outdoor lighting. When you have the right outdoor lighting, there are several ways that it can make your guests feel safe and welcomed. Burley Electrical Services is here to talk about some of the biggest benefits that hotels can see when they have proper outdoor security lighting.
Purpose & Benefits of Outdoor Hotel Security Lights
There are a number of ways that hotels can benefit from proper outdoor security lighting. Here are some of the main benefits:
– Avoid Unwanted Animals: No one wants to have nocturnal animals like raccoons, coyotes, opossums and more to infiltrate their hotel grounds at night. When you have ample outdoor lighting, it will make your property much less appealing to these creatures that like to roam at night.
– Deter Intruders: Possibly the biggest benefit that you will get from outdoor security lighting is that intruders won’t want to cause problems as often when the property is lit up. These types of people like to hang out in dark places and shadows because they don’t want to be seen by anyone in the hotel. The right lighting can offer added security from any intruders.
– Prevent Accidents: The last thing you want is a guest to slip and fall on your property because there wasn’t enough lighting to illuminate the walkways around your hotel. With enough outdoor security lighting, you don’t have to worry about nearly as many accidents happening. This can save you significant money and help you avoid insurance claims.
– Lower Insurance Premiums: Speaking of insurance, who wants to pay more for coverage than they need to? There are some insurance companies that will offer you discounts when you upgrade your outdoor security lighting to avoid crimes as well as accidents.
– Boost Curb Appeal: Exterior lighting can do more than keep your property safe. It will also help highlight your hotel during nighttime hours. This can help boost the curb appeal of your property. It can help your hotel stand out next to others that don’t have the upgraded lighting.
– Increase Property Value: Anytime you make large upgrades like outdoor security lighting, it can help increase your property value.
Lighting Consultation, Fixture Installations & More in Pompano Beach, Imperial Point, Plantation, Deerfield Beach, Boca Raton, Davie, Lighthouse Point, Parkland & Fort Lauderdale, Florida
When you own or manage a hotel, you shouldn’t only be worried about the lighting found on the inside but the outdoor lighting as well. It is crucial that you have ample outdoor security lighting to ensure your guests are safe while they are staying with you. At Burley Electrical Services, we can help you boost your outdoor security lighting to help you avoid increased crime and other accidents on your property. Call us today!