If you are like most people, there are probably extension cords found in your home to help you extend power when your power cord won’t quite get the job done. While this is all well and good, you want to make sure you’re using the extension cord safely so that you can avoid an electrical fire in your home. There are definitely things you should and shouldn’t do when it comes to extension cord use. Burley Electrical Services is here to talk about some safety tips that will help keep your home safe while you use your extension cords.
What are Safety Guidelines for Power Cords?
There are safe and not so safe ways to use an extension cord in your home. Here are some rules to follow to ensure your home is safe while using your extension cords.
– Follow Indoor/Outdoor Designation: You need to know whether or not your extension cord is designated for indoor use or outdoor use. If you are using an extension cord outside when it isn’t made for it, disaster can strike. The weather conditions that you often see outside are going to wreak havoc on an indoor extension cord. Make sure you’re reading about the extension cord and what it is designed for before you start using it.
– Wattage Ratings Matter: Every extension cord should come with a small manual that you will want to read before you start using it. Not only will it tell you if the extension cord should be used inside or outside, but it will also let you know what the wattage rating is so that you can make sure it is going to match the devices that you’re planning to plug into it.
– Don’t Cover Cords: Not many people like the look of an extension cord reaching across the floor of a room to power a device. It may be tempting to throw and area rug over the top of the cord. However, you should avoid doing this at all costs. It can trap heat that is generated from the electrical transfer and can catch your area rug on fire. It’s also wisest to unplug the cord when you aren’t actively using it.
– Check for Damage: Before you ever use an extension cord, you should give it a thorough inspection to make sure it isn’t damaged anywhere. Damage to an extension cord, primarily fraying, can be extremely dangerous and put your home at risk of an electrical fire. If you notice that there is any damage on your extension cord, it is best to throw it away and purchase a new one.
Electrical Wiring Inspections, Repairs, Installations & More in Pompano Beach, Imperial Point, Plantation, Deerfield Beach, Boca Raton, Davie, Lighthouse Point, Parkland & Fort Lauderdale, Florida
If you have any electrical issues at your home or are finding that you’re using far too many extension cords, you can call on Burley Electrical Services to come install more outlets and solve your electrical issues. We will make sure your home is safe from any electrical dangers. Call us today!