There are some signs that manifest when your home requires rewiring; whether you have been living in the home for decades, recently bought or inherited an older home. Though some of these clues might be more obvious than others, few realize what they actually mean. When you recognize the tell-tale signs, you can attain the proper services to upgrade your home. Today, we at Burley Electrical Services would like to discuss these signs your home is in need of a rewiring.
Electrical Wiring Connections for New Appliances & Electronics
In average households, more and more people are able to acquire more and more appliances and electronics to make our daily lives simpler. Because homes are trying to keep up with the demand the electronic system simply cannot handle, there are many things that will occur such as dimming or flickering lights or the breaker continuing to trip, and other related problems.
Rewiring an Old House
Older homes were not made to keep up with modern electrical needs. Homes constructed prior to 1970 were simply not designed to take on the demand of electrical flow. Contractors did not foresee the need for the electrical flow to handle computers, home theater systems, appliances, printers, and other major and minor electrical devices surging energy. Homes constructed prior to 1970 with no electronic upgrades should invest in these upgrades and rewiring, and in fact home constructed before 2000 will likely need some rewiring.
Circuit Breaker Trips Frequently
Though some may account that it is normal, breakers that continually trip is not a normal occurrence. Though common it suggests you need some rewiring done. Designed as a safety feature, circuit breakers will trip if there is an electric overload. Because these wires are overloaded with electricity, they naturally run hot, which then can potentially cause home fires. Should the breaker trip often, that is a warning and it is encouraged you invest in a rewiring for your home to avoid fires and other problems.
Lights Dimming in House when AC Comes On
Running a vacuum cleaner or another major appliance can cause your lights to dim, again though common, this is not normal. The extra surge is indicating the electrical flow is not able to accommodate extra. When your home is maxed with current updates, your home will not experience any dimmed lights when the vacuum or extra appliances are running.
Extension Cord Dependence
Made for a temporary solution, extension cords are not meant to be depended on day to day. If you find you rely on extension cords, it indicates your home lacks outlets. To better provide the electrical needs, outlet installations with the rewiring services are in order.
Whole House Electrical Rewiring & More in Pompano Beach, Imperial Point, Plantation, Deerfield Beach, Boca Raton, Davie, Lighthouse Point, Parkland & Fort Lauderdale, Florida
The National Fire Prevention Association warns that faulty wiring is the leading causes of residential fires. Where the poor wiring might be the least of your concerns, avoiding fires should be the top priority. The number goal with the professional electrician’s Burley Electrical Services being customer safety followed closely with customer satisfactory, we deliver safe and efficient services. Call us today to schedule your whole home rewiring.