People are often looking for ways to conserve energy in an effort to minimize their power bill, do their part for the environment, or both. No matter what your reasons are, there are a number of ideas you can do to conserve the energy where electricity use is concerned. Today we at Burley Electrical Services would like to share some tips and advice on what you can do to conserve the energy consumption regarding your electronics and lighting.
Most Energy Efficient Light Bulbs
Conserving energy where your lights are concerned is fairly easy, and you have several options.
– Far more efficient than regular light bulbs, switching to compact fluorescent light bulbs are just as bright and do not require as much energy to illuminate your home as the standards light bulbs do. Each fixture often requires a specific bulb. Be sure when making the switch you are installing the correct bulb. Do not neglect any exterior lighting when making the switch to a more energy conscious light bulb.
– Investing in ENERGY STAR products can save a ton on both energy use and power bill, by replacing your top five used lighting fixtures and ensuring the bulbs are more energy efficient, you will notice significant savings.
– To minimize the need for multiple lamps, choose a light colored or opaque lamp shades for the lamps places in the corners, they will reflect more light.
– For your exterior lighting, not only changing to a more energy efficient model will improve your energy usage, but installing motion detector lights and putting other lights on timers you can save more energy and deter criminal mischief.
Energy Saving Electronics
Electronic devices consume more energy than you realize, even when they are switched off, and there are multiple ways to conserve energy and save on your next power bill as far as your electronics are concerned.
– Start by getting power strips for your outlets, and make sure they all feature a kill switch. Begin at your entertainment center and plug in all your equipment to the power strip outlet. When you are not using the TV and other such devices, you can flip the switch to turn everything off, including the power it would normally draw in when turned off. Don’t forget the electronic toys that are equipped with “standby mode” as they too, constantly suck energy if plugged into a regular outlet.
– If you want to upgrade your TV, search for Energy Star-qualified TVs, as they are up to 30% more efficient. If you are trying to decide between a laptop and desktop, opt for the laptop if it is adequate for your needs. Desktops are notorious for using up a considerable amount more energy than laptops.
– If you need to utilize a desktop be sure to regularly use “sleep mode” or “hibernate mode” instead of relying on the screen saver, it will use less energy. When you are not planning to use your computer for a longer period of time, like when you sleep for instance, power it off. Doing so saves energy and increases the longevity of your desktop.
– Create a charging station for your phones, tablets, and other portable devices that need charging. Using a power strip is ideal and make sure it is switched off when your gadgets are fully charged or not even plugged in. If a power strip is unavailable, unplug the chargers when not in use.
Electrical Wiring, Lighting & More in Pompano Beach, Boca Raton, Davie, Fort Lauderdale & South Florida
With so many ways to minimize the energy you use, you can save quite a bit of money as well as do your part for the planet. If you have any electrical projects that need an expert, contact Burley Electric Services today, and let us help you!