Have you ever went looking for a spot to plug in your phone or add a new lamp only to find that the outlet is full? The outlets that you have in your house are supposed to be sufficient to give you the electricity that you need. That is not always the case with more and more smart appliances, phones, computers and other devices being bought into the home. The outlets that you have may no longer be enough to handle the items that you want to plug in. You have several options when you start to run out of outlet space. You can of course call out a professional electrician that can come out and install more outlets. The other option that you have when there are temporary needs or you don’t want to make an electrical upgrade is to use a power strip. This is a way to add more outlets to an area that is being congested or you have an excess of items that need to have power.
Burley Electrical Services Outlines what Not to Plug into a Power Strip & More
Power Strips are Temporary not Permanent: When you are setting up decorations of you have a party that you know you will need to have more outlets then a power strip is a great option. The power strip is not a permanent fixture and it should not be set up and used for a long period of time. Most people will take out a power strip and use it for a few days or a few weeks to give them the space that they need. This can be a great way to add lighting, electronics or décor to a space. You want to make sure that if you will require these items to be plugged in long term that you call out a professional to install more outlets.
Plug Power Strips into Single Outlet Receptacles: When you realize that you need to use a power strip at your house you want to make sure that you are careful about where you place it. It is a bad idea to plug a strip into a extension cord or another power strip. Each power strip needs to be plugged into a wall outlet. They will be loaded with more wattage and when it is plugged into another strip it can become a fire hazard. Be sure that you use only one power strip at each outlet. You also want them to have a space to lay flat so that you can plug what you need into the sockets.
What Type of Power Strip Do You Need?: You want to make sure that you pick the right strip for your needs. They all have a rating that for the amount of watts that they can send out. If you get the wrong one you can over load it and that will trip the breaker. You want to make sure that you do not over load the power strip as well.
What Not to Plug into a Power Strip: You want to make sure that you stay away from plugging in space heaters and large appliances when you are using a power strip. They are not intended to give energy to these types of appliances and can cause a fire or the power strip to burn out.
Electrical Wiring Inspections, Fixture Installations, Upgrades & More in Pompano Beach, Imperial Point, Plantation, Deerfield Beach, Boca Raton, Davie, Lighthouse Point, Parkland & Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Burley Electrical Services can come out and install more outlets in your home. Call us today for all your electrical needs!