Many people wonder about electricity, including the speed it travels. Most know that it is fast, but few know how fast is fast when it comes to electricity. For the young and old alike, electricity is a fascinating topic. Along with some important safety tips to keep yourself and others safe around household electricity, we at Burley Electrical Services would like to continue on the subject.
Electricity is as Fast as the Speed of Light
As superman is often said be as fast as the speed of light, we can confirm that the electromagnetic waves of electricity travel at nearly the speed of light, which is 670,616,629 miles per hour. Where this doesn’t mean much to the layman, it can be hard to know really know how fast this is. The best description is you could travel around Earth eight times in the time it takes someone to flip on a light switch if you were as fast as electricity.
Electrical Accidents Can Happen in a Flash
The effects of electricity are immediate once you come into contact with it because the speed that electricity travels is so fast. Though may think you can pull away from an electrical shock to avoid injury, there is no chance you can avoid the shock due to the speed. When a person comes in direct contact with a strong electrical current, such as from a live household wire, the muscles will tighten as if they are physically unable to let go or release from the source. Because you can be pulled into the electrical circuit, even touching someone who is being shocked is highly dangerous. Since electricity flows quickly through water, and the human body is composed of 70% water, the human body is a strong conductor of electricity.
Electricity Safety Tips
Electricity is incredibly important in our daily lives, though it is fast, and amazing, it is still vital to know how to stay safe from common electrical dangers. Below are a few tips to be more knowledgeably and safe when you around electricity.
1) In one outlet or one extension cord, avoid plugging too many devices. Damage to your electrical system and could lead to a fire if you do plug in too many devices.
2) To prevent pets or babies from chewing on the cord, secure electrical cords out of the way.
3) Install child-proof outlets in your home if you have infants or young children.
4) Rather than yanking the cord out of the wall, gently pull electrical cords from the wall at the plug. The wires inside the cord can fray and pose a shock risk when they are consistently being pulled.
5) Before using chainsaws or other equipment, be aware of nearby electrical power lines prior to climbing a ladder or a tree.
6) The majority of electrical accidents happen when people use electricity too close to water, so be sure to keep electrical items away from water.
7) It’s wise to err on the side of caution if you are troubleshooting electrical outlets or wiring in your home; call a licensed electrician to keep people safe, avoid damage, and ensure long-term efficiency.
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For all of your electrical needs in the Greater South Florida area, call Burley Electrical Service and let our qualified electricians take care of the rest. For more information, you can also visit